Saturday, September 24, 2011

my heart's a stereo, it beats for you so listen close

enamus on vist blogi maha jätnud, miks te üldse ei kirjuta? :D no ja ma ise ka ei kirjuta, aga ikkagi :D kunagi postitati ikka igapäev üks postitus, kui mitte rohkem.
ilmselgelt pole millestkist kirjutada, sest koolist ma küll kirjutama ei hakka :D ütleks ainult, et see on sama õudne, nagu alati on olnud.
viimasel ajal on üsna palju muutunud. ma ei lasku detailidesse, kuid kui tagasi vaadata, siis oli ikka täiesti teistsugune muusika.


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Mu õnne kirjeldamiseks pole piisavalt sõnu. Mida ma teeks ilma Sinuta? Jääksin käru alla :D? Kui ma Sind esimest korda nägin, poleks ma iial arvanud, et Sa mulle nii tähtsaks saad.
Sa paned mu naerma isegi kui ma ei taha naerda. Sa paned mu tundma, et ma pole üksi. Sa paned mu kõhu keerama ning mu südame tuksuma nii kiirelt, et ma ei mõista mis toimub. Su pilgud panevad mu sulama. Sinu nägemine teeb mu päeva paremaks. Sina oled see, kelle juures on mul külmaga soe, kes ei pea miskit raskeks, kes on alati toeks. Kui me vaatame üksteisele silma, siis me oleme täiesti omas riigis, mille keeleks on pilgud, sest sõnu pole vaja. Me mõistame üksteist ja lõpetame üksteise lauseid. Ma ei muudaks Sinu juures mitte midagi. Sa oled eriline. Ma ei kahtle Sinus kunagi. Sa ei pruugi olla teiste arvates täiuslik, kuid minu jaoks oled Sa perfektne. Ma olen kindel, et leidsin oma teise poole - Sinu!
Ma armastan sind.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain
And I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
You can be the hero
And I can be your sidekick
You can be the tear That I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or u can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

Don't know if I could ever be Without you
'Cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause you're the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages
You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as were together

You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for u)
U take the both of us (of us)
And were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two


Esimene koolipäev üle elatud. Polnud hullu midagi õnneks, vilistlased rääkisid oma elulugusid meile. Üks õpetas veits karated ka :D Ja plaanis on paremini õppima ka hakata.
Monale ja Keijole veel ükskord palju õnne 4 kuu puhul!
Ma tõesti vist pole eriti palju kodus. Emps ütleb, et ma nagu kodutu juba :D
