Tuesday, July 19, 2011

from now on, this shit can only make me stronger

You don't have to have a lot of money,
All you've got to have is fire burning deep in your soul.
If you have a dream for something that you love,
I'll support you yeah I'll play my role.
Now I won't call you 20 times a day,
Because I've got my own shit to do.
When you see my name flashing on your phone,
I want you to feel butterflies for me too
Now one thing I can't stand is arrogance,
There is no way we would ever get along,
But one thing I love is confidence,
And humility to know when you've been wrong.
Now I love a bad boy mantality,
But I don't want to be visiting no jail.
Just know someone out there mocking me,
Be my gangster when its time to get real.

neljapäev to laupäev-viljandi linnas, sillu mehe juures. lõpp super oli. tahaks nii väga tagasi. mul lihtsalt pole siin mitte midagi teha. alguses oli jah lahe. eile sai lõpuks päikest ka võtta natuke.

jah, ma igatsen pärnut. tohutult. kuid mul on tunne, et tahakski jääda siia. no logic in that.
